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Tattoos - Creative Means Of Self-expression

From the back alleys, carnivals, and speak free spots to roadsides in the downtowns, tattooing studios have journeyed a long way and from bodies of criminals and hooligans to those of educated and upper middle classes, the tattoo designs are leaving long lasting impression on majority today. Tattooing is a way of inserting color materials beneath the skins as what beautifully one said "it is a creative means of self-expression".

The history of tattoo dates back to 5000 years ago and one can find the traces of the art in Egyptian culture when women folks of monarchy were accustomed to flaunt splendid designs on their body parts to impress others. Derived from Tahitian word tatau or Polynesian ta-both mean striking mark-, the word tattoo has a noticeable etymology.

Creative means of self-expression

Primarily, tattoos were popular among criminals and hooligans who got their body parts carved with subliminal, abstract, or blunt pictures to show off their defiance to rules and regulations. Come the 70s and tattoos got a way into the music industry. Especially, rock stars welcomed the piercing art to glorify their mesmerizing image in public. Rock maestro of Rolling Stones in 70s earned audience applause because of funky tattoos. Until 90s, the tattoos, however, had become popular self-expression forms of public figures sportsmen, fashion designers, musicians, artists, etc in America. Hipsters from public imitate the designs tattooed on skins of celebrities and laggards usually clamber aboard on the fashion bandwagon. To cut it short, in words of US Today, the once-rebel art has gained public interest in 90's.

Piercing body or inserting color substance beneath skins sound (look) horrible. Electric needles are said to have lessened pains. In US at least, government agencies have been strict in regulating 'tattoo profession' by formulating business rules and regulations. US perhaps saw first regulation of tattoo business in 1998 when graphic designer of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Patrick Levins was certified as tattoo art designer under new regulations.

Imitating traditions of Japan and China, US tattoo industry is throwing out raft of designs in market. Publications, offline and online, are treasure-troves of cutting-edge tattoo designs. But, as Marshall McLuhan, messenger of modern media, said in 60s 'media is an extension of humans', electronic publications have the edge over offline publications to promote innovative designs. Tattoo businesses are profitable in US and other North American markets. The tattoo is the sixth fastest growing retail industry in US. Understandably, designers can promote their new designs on websites easily and have opportunities to increase clienteles as fast as other online businesses do. Art website templates are the easiest and cost effective ways of setting up websites and tattoo designers can build professional online tattoo studios readily with art templates specifically predesigned for exhibiting and selling art designs. Built according to the needs and technical requirements of ecommerce, business templates are preferred to set up online shops for tattoos.

You will find striking similarities in tattoo traditions of US, Canada, and Mexico. The art form is popular in women. In fact, a Canadian study has found 80 per cent popularity of tattoos among local white suburban females. The art form is becoming a likeable carrier of introverted feelings for the masses-educated, affluent, or poor. Annual convention by National Tattoo Association in New Orleans is a manifestation of this.